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Bond University MMI Interview Strategy and Confidence Webinar with Luan Williams

AUD419.00 each


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The session will be conducted by Luan Williams, Psychometric Testing Trainer, Medical Interviews Coach, Advanced Communication Skills Strategist, and Psychological Consultant in Gifted and Talented. This webinar will be especially beneficial for those high achievers who are affected by doubts about their medical interview approach, which in turn, impacts their confidence, train of thought, and potential rapport with interview assessors. Attendees have the opportunity to learn how to eliminate doubts and worries, turning this wasted mental energy into a solid skillset that will power your own unique answering style.


PLEASE NOTE, this training session works best as the very final stage of your Bond Medical Interview preparation in polishing up your communication skills and strategies and confidence level in answering MMI-style questions. If you have not had prior interview training or need to improve the depth of your understanding, strategies and skills in attempting Bond MMI, then please consider either 2-day Intensive Interview Training Workshop, 1-on-1 Personalised Bond Interview Coaching or both services as an Interview Training Package

DATE: February 2025 TBA

Mode of training: Live Online via Zoom.

PLEASE NOTE: the webinar is not recorded, so we ask that you arrive at your webinar on time so that you do not miss out on the presented content. Some notes from the webinar will be provided durign the session. 


Webinar schedule:

  •        10.00 am - 1.00 pm (AEDT):  Session Part A (3 hours)
  •        1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (AEDT): Lunch break and time to complete independent interview tasks (2 hours)
  •        3:00 pm - 5:00 pm (AEDT): Session Part B Time (2 hours)

MMIs can be difficult to master, especially those like Bond University’s medical interview that has more recently involved a variety of formats, including scenarios, videos, roleplays, direct questions, essays booths and more. Each type of new station format requires its own sensible and distinct approach for meeting criteria, and each station format has its own pitfalls. Get your head around the types of booths that come up during the Bond MMI, and how you can take a confident, logical and rapport-driven approach for each station type.

The ’holy grail’ for MMI preparation is for interview applicants is to develop a sound mental model that helps you to understand, prepare for, and respond to MMI questions in a calm and intelligent way. This webinar helps you develop your own pair of powerful ‘MMI lenses’ to help you see through the stations to understand their true meanings and measures. At the same time, we address the easiest ways to show your true colours, manage your timing, insert personal anecdotes, show your dedication, and finally relinquish worries of freezing up, forgetting the question, losing your train of thought, or giving the wrong answer. Learn how to address ethics questions head-on in an appropriate way, using the right terminology and demonstrating your keen understanding of rights and responsibilities. Avoid the biggest pitfalls in leadership and teamwork questions, and most crucially, neatly step around the red flags that are there to reveal inappropriate applicants.

At medical interviews, it’s important to prepare your mind the right way (never learning answers off by rote!) and to turn up on your big day in the best state of mind. And even more importantly, you need to have a clear and strategic understanding of what is expected of you and why you’ve been asked to come in the first place. The moment it all ‘clicks’ for you, the whole interview process becomes instantly easier.

Learn to express yourself authentically while also sharing personal proof, meeting station requirements, and giving that little bit extra that makes you memorable, trustworthy and likable. This two-part webinar takes a formulaic approach to the Bond Medicine MMI, using past stations and past questions from the Bond MMI as learning tools to prepare yourself for your big day.

The webinar has two online components, separated by a self-study period:

  • Session Part A (3 hours) is inspired by Bond's past MMI process, and also Bond's past style of questions, and the way they approach medical interviews. Participants will then be given some MMI booth activities to complete in their own time, during the upcoming break.

  • Lunch break and independent preparation time (2 hours) is then given to participants so they can complete their simulated MMI stations in their own personal and unique way, taking a criteria-led approach.

  • Session Part B (2 hours) is then used for review of the learning that has taken place, and to ‘level up’ your learning for Bond MMI in a way that will give you a confident glow – ready to face the challenge of your medical interview with the vigour and knowledge of what makes you unique and valuable to Bond as an addition to their phenomenal Medical Program.

Confidence comes with knowing yourself, having the relevant knowledge, understanding what is being measured, and having the confidence that you can reach these requirements with minimal cognitive load and maximum flexibility. Many medical applicants don’t realise how fun medical interviews can be when they are approached with the right attitude and a strategic, meaningful skillset, tailored slightly differently for each station format.

This webinar will be especially beneficial for those high achievers who are affected by doubts about their medical interview approach, which in turn, impacts their confidence, train of thought, and potential rapport with interview assessors. Attendees have the opportunity to learn how to eliminate doubts and worries, turning this wasted mental energy into a solid skillset that will power your own unique answering style.

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The NIE team consists of one of Australia’s leading psychological specialists in medical entry, who also specialises in high achievers and the gifted and talented population. This program will be conducted online in an interactive webinar format.

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