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Quick Testimonials

Hi NIE, I obtained my HPAT scores of 98% (70 raw), 96% (63 raw), 96% (65 raw). My overall percentile was 99%. Thank you very much for all your support throughout my HPAT preparation. My parents are also saying 'Thanks for all your help'. My sister is now using your books to get herself ready for the test next year.
Just thought I'd let you know how I went in UMAT. I got in the 97th percentile which I'm really happy with!! I just want to say thanks for the course and the materials, they were very useful.
Hi Simon, Kasun got very good results for his UMAT. He got 99th , 87th and 88th percentiles respectively for the three sections. His overall percentile is 97th. These results will lead him towards to an interview. He is doing well in his studies as well. Is it possible to book an interview training session in late November as he will be finishing his TEE on the 16th November? Thank you very much for helping him to achieve his goals. Regards,
Hi, I scored 100 in HPAT section 1, and 96 in section 3, I'm absolutely stoked with these marks and couldn't have done it without HPAT NIE books. Still can't believe that 1st section mark and the third section was very much similar to the actual exam. I’m waiting for offers now. Thank you NIE!
My percentiles were 100, 67, and 89 and I got an interview for NSW. There is no way I could have done it without your NIE program. Out of curiosity, what sort of UMAT results are needed to get an interview at Adelaide?
Thank you so much for your help with the UMAT preparation. I have got my results back and have done quite well, my percentiles were: Section 1 …98 Section 2 …98 Section 3 …79. I am very pleased with these results and have since been offered an interview with University of Adelaide which I am quite excited about. Thanks a million.
Hi Simon, I'm not sure whether you even remember me or not, but I did the UMAT last year and was trying to get into medicine. i know this comes really late, but well, i ended up getting in at Melbourne. Once again, thank you so much to the whole team. I could never have done it without you. Good luck with this years medIcine hopefuls.
I thought the program was definitely helpful, although I still don't think I went too well on the UMAT. I know it would have been a lot worse had I not done the course. i probably needed to spend more time on the pattern recognition parts in section 3 though. But you were right all along; if you want to do well you have to take the UMAT very seriously. Thanks for you help and good luck with this years group,
Hi Simon, Hope you are well... Not sure if you guys had the same paper in Melbourne, but I found today's paper in Sydney challenging but 'do-able'... The patterns in section three were quite hard, as was section 2, but I felt I could do most of it and I will hopefully go ok... The skills and practice from NIE lecture day and booklets were essential... Thanks very much for that and all your support over the past few months.. What did you think of the paper? Regards,
Hi Simon and Miranda!! just wanted to say the BIGGEST thankyou for all your help with the interview prep. One thing that i certainly did find at the Adelaide interview was that they really made the effort to be as friendly as possible and make sure that i felt as comfortable as possible. The questions that i got asked certainly mirrored what you had asked me and i did do my homework just as you asked, therefore i had many stories to tell them. thanks heaps for ALL your help once again... i certainly feel that i was much more confident for this interview, and overall I’m pretty happy with how it went. I'll keep you guys posted!!
Hey Simon, its Nadine here, and I have just got my umat results back. but due to living in china (and the loss of contact with actual, sane reality that inevitably follows that, lol) i dont know how to interpret the results/ know if they're high enough to get an interview.... I got as raw scores: 61, 70, 63 percentiles i got: 90,99,91 which is a hell of a lot better than last year (after doing another course???), and sounds as if its good enough for interviews but I'm not sure as it will depend on how many people sat umat and out of those, who applied for medicine etc. Would you please be able to fill me in on whether these scores are high enough? And if they are, approx when will interviews be held? Would the interviews require me to go back home or would it be possible to have an interview over the internet (using webcam) or over the phone? thanks for filling me in on these questions! write back when u have the time,
Thanks very much simon, looks like you did have a very busy week. With students coming from and London. What a way to travel! I’m not really sure how my first interview went - but i'm happy, so i take that as a good sign. do you have an idea of when the monash calls for interviews will be? my umat results were: section1: 82 section2: 89 section3: 94 Thanks again!
Hi, my name is Miri. You probably don’t remember me, but I was the girl at the Adelaide UMAT prep course this year 'who just couldn’t see the shapes in the puzzles' and insisted it was impossible. I had tried a few questions previously when I sat the UMAT in 2004, and tried to learn the techniques like looking for parallel lines etc. and i just couldn’t do it, I failed the shapes section miserably in 2004. However, after attending the prep course this year I went home and finished every single question in the book and some I still had from last year and it worked! I got a percentile ranking of 91 in the 2005 UMAT and i just wanted to say Thank you very much, the way you taught it on the day helped me to believe that i could learn it. And now thanks to my scores, I have an interview for dentistry, something i thought was impossible to get. Thanks again.
Dear Simon and Miranda Christie, My Name is Samuel Hall and I undertook the NIE UMAT Preparation Course and Mock Interview Course in 2005. I am pleased to let you know that the wonderful advice given to me by you concerning the UMAT and Interview Process throughout the year helped me gain a First Round Offer to study Medicine at the University of Adelaide in 2006. Firstly, I would like to say that the notes you provide for the UMAT Preparation Course were an influential part to my success, In Particular, the notes regarding the Type 1 and 2 Puzzles in Section 3. I sat the UMAT in 2004 and had struggled with this part of the exam, but the hints and many example puzzles offered in the Section 3 Book made the Puzzles no longer intimidating, but something that could be approached with confidence. Secondly, I would like to thank you for the advice you gave to me during my Mock Interview back on that rainy day in early December. I knew that if I was to succeed in the Interview Process that there were many things I still needed to improve on and the three of you picked out every little aspect that needed improvement and this definitely maximised my chances of gaining a place to Study Medicine. I Wish you both the best and thank you again for helping me get one step closer to achieving my dream of becoming a doctor, Many Thanks,
Simon, Your program was excellent for preparation for the UMAT, and many thanks to you and NIE. The interview booklet has also been of great help in preparation for next week's UNSW interviews. Regards,
I now have my HPAT results, and I scored in the top 5%, so that's really good, I am very happy, and I want to thank NIE again for your wonderful resources and assistance.
Dear Simon, Miranda & Daniella, On Friday I received my UMAT results and was very happy with them. I scored well in all sections, getting on the 100th percentile in the first section, which I never expected. I attended one of your preparation sessions on a Sunday at Beth Rivkah Ladies College I'm sure I could not have been so successful without your training and practice booklets. Thank you for everything and I look forward to using your interview techniques book. Thanks again.
Thanks NIE! I got an interview at my first choice New South Wales! I’m delighted! Without your help I'm certain that i wouldn’t have done half as good! Although i haven't got my UMAT results back, it can't be that bad. I would like some help with my interview preparation. I saw on your site that you also have interview training. I was wondering if that is still available? Thanks again NIE!
Beow Leng
Beow Leng
Hi Simon and Miranda, Our children just received their UMAT results half an hour ago. They have both done quite well and we thank you for all your assistance. Scores were 94, 67 and 96 and 99, 58 and 100 respectively. Anyway, thanks again for everything and if we have any new information we will share that with you especially you may get lots of queries from others.
Simon, My umat results were 56, 56, 54; with percentile of 76, 76, 74. A bit disappointing, but when doors close others always open. Either way I wouldn’t have scored anywhere near that without your help. Thanks,
Hi Simon, Good news at my end in London: Section 1: 59% Section 2: 98% Section 3: 96% I'm hopeful that this might be enough to sneak in for an interview. Will let you know if I get an interview. Regards,
Hey Simon, Just letting you know, my percentiles were 91, 95, 65. Thankyou very much for your assistance in the course, without the assistance in (especially in section three) I think I may have found myself in the 0-20 category on all sections. Thanks again, Simon. Regards,
Thanks NIE, my scores did earn me an interview at UNSW. I'm really happy with the overall quality of the preparation materials. Without NIE I may not even earn a place for interview at UNSW. Anyway a big thanks to you again.
Hi, my results were (percentiles) 94, 100, 99. My raw scores were 65, 84 and 76. It's hard exactly to say how much doing the course helped me actually get better marks but the big thing was the confidence I had going into UMAT knowing that I had done my best to prepare for it. I think doing all those practise questions were definitely worth it, especially for the psychological advantage it gave me. The actual workshop was worth it for the mock UMAT exam alone, I thought that was a really good idea for us to do it under test conditions as it gave me so much confidence for the real thing. Keep up the good work! Thanks heaps for helping us Kiwis out for the UMAT!!
Hey guys! Just thought I should let you know that I got into Medicine at Monash (My first preference). I would just like to say thanks for the UMAT and interview help you guys gave. By the way, I felt that the Monash interview was very friendly and less intense than the mock interview. However, I think the intensity and difficulty of the mock interview was good as it made the Monash interview seem like a walk in the park! ....well maybe not that easy! Cheers,
Thanks for your email, just to let you know I did make it into medicine at Hobart, which is what I wanted. Maybe my efforts weren’t that bad after all. Thanks again.
Dear Simon, I was one of the many students that participated in your workshop last year, and I have to say it was a great help. The UMAT workbooks and information you provided were more than sufficient tools for any prospective student wanting a course in health sciences/medicine. And of course, let's not forget the many e-mails back and forth answering all my persistent queries and concerns about the admissions exam! All of the teachers were valuable mentors to me, and I can only wish you continued success in this programme. I was called for three interviews for medicine, and was accepted by of which I believed was far beyond my reach and which I had hoped to enter. With God's help and your training, I am now undertaking 1st year medicine at this uni, and couldn't be happier. Thank you again, and all the best for the coming years!
I have recently signed up for your UMAT preparation course in June, and have been working through the material you have sent over - it is such a massive help for me. I've been working through the Section III book and like you said, after learning the technique, I am now very confident with these questions.
Hey simon its michael. I just sat the Umat and i found that ur course really helped especially in section 2 and 3. I found section 1 the hardest even tho i did most of the questions from the prep-books. But i guess i'll have 2 wait and see. Thanx i really appreciate the course u offer.
Hello to the (really nice) people at NIE UMAT preparation...This is Barbara, I don't know if you remember me, but I undertook your course on preparation for the UMAT exam, as well as the mock interview. Sorry I'm writing so late but I just wanted to say... THANK-YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! Thanks to your help I was accepted in medicine at Monash University this year. It's without a doubt that if I hadn't have done your course, i would have failed the UMAT with flying colours and definitely not been offered an interview, let alone be accepted into the medicine course at Monash (which in, by the way, I'm having an absolute blast... love it!!!!). In all three sections of the UMAT the books you sent me explained everything very clearly and the practice questions were of invaluable help. In regards to the mock interview that you organised, even though it was tough....really tough (which was a good thing), it made the actual interview seem like a walk in the park, I in fact enjoyed the actual interview! I was once again very satisfied with this and I believe that without your mock interview I wouldn't have been accepted. Your course is one of the cheapest and I really recommend it to anyone who is thinking about doing medicine... as long as they are willing to put in the work, study the books you send and do all the questions. Thank-you once again. Barbara (1st year medical student at Monash Uni ...yay!)
Dear Simon/Miranda How are you guys going? It's V here, I'm not sure if you remember me but I attended a couple of your workshops. Just letting you know that I did end up making Med at UNSW and Monash and I chose UNSW. A million thanks for all the guidance and information you gave, it proved really helpful and worthwhile. Sincere thanks once again, take care and who knows, I may see you in Melbourne some time. Cheers.
Hello NIE , I attended the HPAT lecture and I feel like I gained a lot of benefit from the workshop and would like to thank all the teachers for their help. Regards,
Hi Simon & Miranda, I have received all the study material and books through mail today, thanks very much. Sunday's workshop was very impressive and very helpful. I would never regret participating it. I started a bit late for preparing the test, the starter kit was actually my first touch of UMAT. Fingers crossed. You memtioned at the end of the day that students can get explinations of the mock test answers. Would you mind pass me a copy of that? I reckon its useful to review and revise every single questions - simply to find out why I was wrong and how to avoid that mistake from happening when sitting the real exam. Again I really appreciate all the efforts that you've put in. Best regards,
I would like to thank you guys once again for your valuable coaching. I would recommend to all future students sitting the UMAT! Thanks,
Hi, it’s Amuthan here, you did interview training with me for the JCU interview. I thought I should let u know, that I got a first round CSP offer into Griffith dentistry and I just got offered a late round CSP offer for JCU on Friday so I am really excited! I just wanted to thank you for all your efforts in training me, that vigorous interview really did set me up for the JCU interview and it really helped me prepare for the real interview… your formula really did work! Thanks a lot, and I guess you’ll be seeing my sister soon!
Thanks to your course I was able to place in the 100 percentile for this year’s UMAT. My raw scores were 74, 61, 82 which was roughly 100, 90, 100 in percentile terms. The NIE books were invaluable in achieving this result. Not only do they contain lots of questions for practice but also approaches to certain types of questions within each section. This really helped me turn section 3 from my worst to my best. It was great to get these results but as was shown by my practice interview, my technique needed a lot of work. Simon and Miranda you were great in highlighting my strengths and weaknesses and the foolproof technique has given me a newfound confidence in approaching the interviews. To anyone thinking about NIE coaching it has my complete support. Without NIE I would’ve bombed section 3 and not been offered a single interview. The interview coaching is amazing and if you are lucky enough to achieve a good result don’t waste it and get the interview help. Thanks again NIE, you’re the best!
I did the NIE course for two years. I struggled at the start with the easiest questions in the book. I thought I could not improve my performance in the UMAT and I was never going to become a Doctor. If I was not given the expert guidance by Simon and Miranda I would never have been able to follow my dream. I could not have faced the UMAT on my own. I also strongly suggest that anyone who has received an interview offer to attend Simon and Miranda’s individual interview training session.
Dear Miranda and Simon, I am writing to thank you for helping me with my interview for Physiotherapy at Monash University. I received and have enrolled into the course. I will influence anyone I know who needs to take a similar interview to take the course as I found it to be worth every dollar. I will be moving to Frankston so I will not have to take the 2 hour train ride!
Hi, this is Annjaleen. I just wanted to say a very very big thank you for your help and advice about all things interview and to let you know that I got a accepted to Adelaide and Monash. I was a bit shocked to get the offer but I now believe when you say that you have a 100% success rate. You are the greatest, thanks again!
Dear Simon, I am sure you could remember me. I came for interview practice to attend an interview in the UK, Hull York Medical School(HYMS). I am very pleased to say that I have been given an unconditional offer to study medicine at HYMS. I am definitely moving there to start Medicine. I would like to thank you for helping me with my interview skills. You have given me loads of hints and advice which I think I will carry for the rest of my life. The 3 hr interview practice was worth all the trouble flying all the way from Perth to Melbourne. It has earned me a seat in a Uk medical school. I am very excited to start a new life there. My parents are absolutely ecstatic and very proud of me. Dad sends his regards to you as well. Thank you very much once again! Kind Regards,
Hi, Thank you for a very informative and interesting workshop! May I please have a copy of the answers (and explanations) to the UMAT Trial Test completed today? Thanks again,
Thank you for a very informative and interesting HPAT workshop! May I please have a copy of the answers (and explanations) to the HPAT Trial Test? Thanks again,
Hi, My name is Sathyan and I am one of the students who attended the wokshop on July 5. Unfortunately I had to leave early and was unable to view the solutions to the practice test. I was wondering if I could be sent the worked solutions to the practice test as this would be of great help. I found the workshop very much worthwhile and would like to thank all of you for your help. Thanks,
Dear Miranda, Normally i have been getting 30's in the online course for section 2. However, after i did the NIE test at the workshop, i only got 18, which was of great concern to me. So i decided to increase my workload for section 2 and i created a "Word Guide". Basically, i followed your pattern of thinking that when you isolate two options, there will be 2 similar options that will vary in strength, and how the particular events in the passage indicate the strength of the word. I was wondering if you could go through and make sure my words are in the correct place, and could you also answer my questions in red.
Hi, I hope this is the right email to reply to! Anyway, thanks for a great course yesterday. I was wondering if you could please send me the answers for the practise exam. Thanks,
Hey Simon, Miranda & Daisy. I just wanted to say thank you heaps for the great UMAT practice day on Saturday and the brilliantly written course books & questions, they helped immensely and I'll definitely recommend your course to anyone wishing to take UMAT in the future. I think it went really well, but of course we'll all have to wait till the results come out to know for sure! The tips and practice definitely helped so much though, Thanks heaps!
Hi Simon, Thank you so much for the reassurance. The test actually went well, I know that the NIE preparation helped me enormously and really matched well with the exam question types. I certainly did a lot better than I would have done without the prep material and I think I have to be happy with what marks I get then! Section 2 was a lot more time restricted and tricky than it has been, but I felt section 1 went pretty well which is what I have usually done worst at.
Hey Simon/Miranda :) UMAT IS OVER WOOHOO!!!!!!!! I can finally have my life back now! Well at least one half, VCE owns the other half. I found it was a pretty okay exam - section 1 was much much better than I expected (its my weakest section), section 2 I finished early but questions were challenging/harder than I expected/not as straightforward and section 3 was quite doable but I did guess a couple:) But I spose we'll only really know when results come out hey? I hope youve been hearing good news from everyone else! I just wanted to say thankyou so so so much for all the dedication and effort and support you put into the NIE prep program, I really benefited from the material- Im certain I would've bombed section 1 if it wasn't for all the little tricks I picked up! The books were fantastic, I loved them! I guess a small piece of constructive feedback I'd offer is that if the pool of questions in each book were broken up into smaller pieces with time constraints. For example if a section 1 book contains 300 questions, break the questions into like 20q with the respective time limit of 78 seconds per question. Like little drills? Or even break questions into exact no. questions of that section in the exam? I found that as I was working through the manuals, I divided the questions into the no. questions that were in the actual exam ie. 40 questions in 50mins for section 2 - I think this really helped me in terms of gradually getting used to the harsh time limits. But ohter than that the program was amazing! I cannot thank you both enough! Even if I didnt make it into medicine, NIE has provided me with strategies to broadened my thinking and approach to questions in VCE and even beyond, and perhaps that is what I value most from it all. Im fair sure Im going to have UMAT withdrawal symptoms now.. oh god bring it on! Take care and best wishes for the future,
I'd like to tell you that my daughter *ML, *ML's sister, went to your course in 2003 and achieved excellent results and received medicine course offers from Adelaide Uni, Melbourne Uni, Tasmania Uni and NSW Uni. She went to Melbourne Uni and now she is a fully qualified Doctor. Thank your company and that's why for my son I choose your company for his UMAT prep.
I recently attended the UMAT workshop and it provided me with such an insight into the exam. I was quite unprepared and being there made me realise that I do need to boost my preparation, thank you.
Paul Lee
Paul Lee
I have done the interview training (personal one) with tutor and was great and awesome. I strongly recommend you guys to do it with NIE tutor as we can get very important information and training to prepare interview, don't miss it out!!
Dear NIE. Hope you are doing well! I received an unbonded offer for Medicine last week and I am emailing to thank you and your amazing team for your outstanding work and for helping me get through this time round - couldn't have done it without your help! Best wishes, N.K.
I would like to sincerely thank Luan, Zobair and Sasha so much for their help in getting my son into medicine at Bond University. The intensive training given by Luan via Skype was excellent and prepared my son really well for the psychometric testing and interview. NIE cares so much about trying to help its students achieve their goals. I would also like to thank Sasha for her kindness, advice and generous support over the training period. I would not hesitate to highly recommend NIE not only for its outstanding training but also for the immense personal support it offers to its students.
Hi there Luan! I hope you remember me, but I, (T.M.) attended your 4-day AMIET personalised coaching training for Bond University from the 27th of January to the 2nd of February. Since our coaching sessions, I sat the psychometric test and had my interview for Bond… and yesterday I received an offer to study medicine there! I am absolutely over the moon and above all, I am so grateful to have had you coach me for the testing process. I immediately knew that I had to contact you to tell you the news! When I first came to see you, I had just been rejected by James Cook University medicine and was the least confident I had been before. I was so nervous about restarting the interview process for university and had not built up any solid foundation of interview techniques or even faith in myself. Beginning the interview preparation sessions was very daunting to me because of this. Even after our first session, I remember feeling so much more at ease and comfortable with making mistakes and working hard to try and develop better interview techniques. By the end of the 4 days, not only did I have a comprehensive understanding of what makes a student worth offering a place in the Bond medical program, I also came out with a new level of confidence and increased self-esteem. Your coaching has made me have so much more faith in myself and I appreciate that you were so supportive throughout the whole process and still provided essential constructive criticism. I cannot thank you enough for the time and effort you put in to our personalised coaching sessions. My parents have even said that they noticed my confidence had increased a lot since I was coached by you and that is a skill that I would not have rapidly developed otherwise. Medicine has been my dream course and thanks to you I was able to achieve that dream as a high-school leaver. The skills you taught me have already been highly transferable to daily interactions with people and have made me so much more personable. THANK YOU sincerely for guiding me :) Bond, here I come! Warm regards, (T.M.)
Dear Sasha. I thought to share M.T.’s university admission offers with you. She got Medicine interview offers for all universities and she has attended the interviews held before QTAC offers. She got admission offers to UWS (UAC first preferences), Adelaide (SATAC first preference) and UQ (QTAC first preferences). She selected to do Medicine at UQ as its 30 minutes away from our place. I would like to thank your teachers and you for the interview training. Regards. S.T.
Hello. I just wanted to give my thanks to the lecturers, Antoinette, Rebekah and Bary, for today's Interview seminar. I didn't really have the time to say a proper 'thank you for spending their time to help us prepare for the interviews and to gain such deep understanding about career in medicine' before the session ended. Since I don't have their contacts, it would be fantastic if someone just passed on my thanks to them. Thank you! W.F.
Hi Luan, Hope you're doing well! Just got the offer into Bond Medicine!! I wanted to thank you for all your assistance in the interview preparation. I believe your approach to the training and advice really gave me an edge. Once again really just wanted to thank you for that.
Hi Sasha. S.J. really enjoyed his sessions with Rebekah and he sent her a personal thank you message when he got his offer from Bond Uni at the 1st round in early March!!!! Also, Luan's Bond Psychometric test training was nothing less of invaluable. Thanks again for all you help and effort helping my son get into medicine. If I can be of any assistance in recommending NIE please don’t hesitate to ask!!! Best wishes, L.J.
Hi Sasha, I have been meaning to contact you to let you know that (J.L) was offered at a place in Medicine at University of NSW and started last week. I just enrolled my son (G.L) for your interview workshop as he got an offer for JCU, and also WSU and UNSW. My youngest son will also be enrolling for UMAT with you later this year.
Dear Zobair and Dr Bary, I've made it into UNSW medicine with an unbonded offer :D Thank you so much for helping me get here, I couldn't have achieved my dream without your help! After 2 years of disappointment with my interview results, I felt like my goal of achieving medicine was beyond my reach. However, through your interview training and continues help with Interview practice, I am now officially on my way to becoming a doctor! Thanks again guys for helping me on this tough journey, I truly appreciate all that you've done for me.
Hi Zobair and Luan, I really don't know how to thank you for everything. The tips and feedback at your interview workshop and feedback you gave me at the end are invaluable. You have been such a great support and thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I hope everything turns out well on the day too and I will let you know how it goes! Thank you so much. (J.M.)
Hello NIE. I am thrilled to let you know that I have been successful at being offered a place for the School of Medicine, James Cook University, QLD. I am so pleased to have been offered my first preference. Thank you very much for all of your help with my interview preparation - it paid off! Best wishes, (S.R.)
Dear Sasha and NIE, I just wanted to let you know that I received an offer for unbonded medicine at the University of Newcastle. Thanks for your help with the interview, it was really valuable. Kind regards, (A.V.)
Hi! I'm (D.L) and I underwent an interview training session with you around 2 months ago. I just wanted to say thanks for the helpful training and advice you have given me which have resulted in my acceptance into the UNSW medical course! I found that your interview workshop session allowed me to find certain points in my communication technique which I could have improved on and gave me an interview experience which prepared me for the real deal. Cheers, (D.L.)
Dear NIE. My son did your interview course and was very happy with it. Regards (J.S.)
Hi Sasha. Thank you for inviting (E.A.) to this course. He returned happy, enthusiastic and motivated. Please advise on any extra relevant training your offer.
Thank you, NIE. Today was exceptional. It was super informative, I feel more confident and the teachers were great!
Fantastic workshop! Wish I attended this program last year. Took university's advise not to attend any interview coaching, and failed miserably. From the first question, I already realised that I was majorly under-performing and it made it difficult to refocus and improve my answers to quite difficult questions. Recommending this program to anyone who will be going for med interview. Cheers to NIE! (L.T.)
The interview workshop which has been provided today was so good and helpful for me, thanks a lot. Also, so impressed as both teachers taught very well and with so much passion. Will advise on the outcome of the interview as offers come out.
Hi. This is (B.G.). I just would like to say that if you got an interview offer and you think you are ready for it, think again and try the med interview workshop NIE offers. I went to the workshop yesterday just to polish-up my skills, just to realise during the day that my skills were pretty poor and required lots of tuning. Thank you NIE for day filled with so much content and fun interactive activates. Both of your interview teachers were very knowledgeable and professional. Thank you to Zac and Dr Bary!
I think the current interview program provided is really good and helpful for the students who will be facing med interview panel soon. (S.P.)
Dear NIE. I would like to say a big 'Thank You' for coaching my daughter for her upcoming medical interview. Alice came home overwhelmed with the amount of information and knowledge she received. Alice has not stopped talking about her day and the teachers. Thank you! (L.A.)
Dear NIE Team. We are happy to inform you that 'S.N' got a medicine offer from Monash. She has planned to take a break this year and will start the course next year at Monash. She had a medicine offer from the University of Queensland as well. Thank you for all your support throughout the year. The UMAT course and the interview help our daughter received from you was an invaluable experience. I will ensure to recommend your services to our school. Thanks again (P.A.)
I would like to thank NIE for organising my training with Anne. I had my session today and have learned a lot! I feel so much more confident facing my interview next month. Anne is knowledgeable, enthusiastic, supportive and a very professional trainer. Thank you again.

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